Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sequenza 21: Reviewed CDs 2006-2011

Sequenza 21 is the contemporary classical music community on the web, and it's review section is new music's Crawdaddy. Never heard of Crawdaddy? Well, call it the Pitchfork of classical music then, but note the difference: more often than not, you can actually learn a few things about the music that Sequenza 21 reviews, not just the reviewer's ego. In the past five years, the editors of Sequenza 21 reviewed more than 400 new releases, mostly contemporary classical music. Their choices are, naturally, a bit American-biased, nevertheless they introduced some of the most noteworthy new music that you probably wouldn't discover otherwise.

Here's the Spotify playlist: Sequenza 21: Reviewed CDs (1927 tracks, total time: 1 Week) About half of the albums are not on Spotify yet, but since the US launch, many more labels came on board, like Bridge Records whose albums were featured heavily in the reviews, so we can expect to see the playlist grows even longer soon. Albums are arranged chronologically by review dates, with the newest releases at the top. Press Ctrl (CMD)+G to browse in album view. If you want a Sequenza 21 radio, put the playlist on Shuffle.

All reviews are in this Sequenza 21 section, but they don't have a complete list in one single page, so you'd have to use the search box at the left sidebar to search for them yourselves. Kudos to Sequenza 21 and enjoy the music.